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Version 2.0.0

The single way to manipulate files in NodeJS

Easy Automation

Write automation scripts to files in many storage locations.

Supports Multiple Protocols

Manipulate files over file://, s3:// etc.

Secure your web application

Use jails to restrict access to directories in your filesystem.

Write cleaner code

import { Storage } from 'typefs';
const manifest = Storage.disk('config').readFile('app.manifest');

Easy configuration

import { Storage, Configuration } from 'typefs';

Storage.config: Configuration = {
default: 'tmp',
disks: {
tmp: {
driver: 'file',
root: '/tmp/',
jail: true,
app: {
driver: 'file',
root: '/app/',
jail: true,
config: {
driver: 'file',
root: '/app/config',
jail: true,