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Storage Manager

The storage manager holds the configuration of your disks and which disk is the default one.


"default": "assets",
"disks": {
"assets": {
"driver": "file",
"root": "/app/public/assets",
"jail": true

Select Disk

Storage manager lets you select the disk you are interested in.

import { Storage } from 'typefs';

const driver = Storage.disk('assets');

Use Default Disk

To use the default disk, you simply ommit the disk to select

import { Storage } from 'typefs';

const driver = Storage.disk();

Disk Configuration

The "driver" specifies which driver will be used to access the file system. This is followed by configuration for said driver.

import { Storage, config } from 'typefs';

Storage.config = config();

Registering Disk Driver

To register a custom disk driver,

// index.ts
import { Storage } from 'typefs';

Storage.registerDriver('mydiskdriver', (configuration: DiskConfiguration): DiskDriver => new MyDiskDriver(configuration as MyDiskConfig));

update your configuration to use the new driver:

"default": "assets",
"disks": {
"assets": {
"driver": "mydiskdriver",
"root": "/app/public/assets",
"jail": true,